Bicycle Hazard MapKibouzu is an online collaborative bicycle hazard map. Students can mark various types of hazard points on a map. This information can then be relayed to the local municipal government to provide insight as to areas that are particularly dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. An account is required to access this system.
Limited choice selectorChoosimul is an online system that allows multiple students to simultaneously choose from a limited set of options as defined by the teacher. Rooms can be live or can be scheduled to open and close at a specified date/time. To access the teacher interface, please add "/teacher" to the end of the URL.
English Vowel GameBikkr is an online game for practicing identifying the basic English vowels. There are multiple modes of gameplay (including individual and group), as well as the ability to require to students to identify vowel sounds in isolation or in the context of a list of words set by the teacher. To access the teacher interface, please add "/teacher" to the end of the URL.
Academic Buzzer SystemSokkai is an online buzzer system that can be used for academic competitions, in-class games, or anything else that requires the determination of the fastest respondent. It was originally based on QBBUZZER, but has since been heavily modified and improved.
Pokémon Name TranslatorEigozukan is a simply utility to translate between the English and Japanese names for pokémon. Once you look up a pokémon, you can also get more information about that pokémon. This was made to satisfy my students' interest in the difference between the English and Japanese names.
Verb Conjugation Pracice SystemCOMING SOON
Digital Sticker Reward SystemCOMING SOON
Strategy Card GameCOMING SOON
Critical Thinking GameCOMING SOON
Pokémon EIGO
English Correction GameCOMING SOON